Friday, December 7, 2012

Casting On

I have not published anything since high school and felt the itch to write again. I wrote a two page account of my heritage last week on my typewriter. You'll find that I enjoy the obsolete just for the art and nostalgia of something beautiful and unnecessary.

Before Facebook and Twitter, and even before I had a MySpace page, I had a Xanga page where I would post thoughts, poems, pictures... anything that inspired or provoked me. With the influx of sharing technology from Instgram, Pinterest, etc. I find myself being inspired and provoked a lot more often.

For those of you who aren't familiar with knitting techniques, casting on is the first thing a knitter does to begin a project. Learning the knot and the method takes time and practice. I began knitting in my senior year of college to replace smoking on my breaks during midterm study sessions.
Today, the more I knit the more I want to knit and I find myself comparing knitting principles to life. The most important lesson I've learned from this craft, is that each project, from the simple to the complex, is wrought from one single thread, and thus the name for this blog. No matter the twisting, stitching, cabling, joining or dropping of stitches, they all come back to one common thread. And my goal, with my words in this blog (and my actions in life) is to make something people can connect with and something beautiful.

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